hyperVue prints AVAILABLE SOON - Trilogy in Subliminal Self Portraiture: Large Prints    T=D¹    E=D²    G=D³
conceived and hand drawn in pencil by michaelm artist / philosopher
The Subliminal Trilogy, the first three steps in a decades long journey into the state of direct communication with the subconscious via imagery, synchronicity, and metaphor. Which in turn reveals the true universe, from within. The art of self portraiture from external personalities reveals an intricate subconscious connection deepn within! When one relates with another, the two are actually communing with that personality which both share subconsciously. The subliminal images speak of tales as ancient as the dawn of time. You too can create a visual path for communication with your subconscious state. If your ready, begin your self discovery through the subliminal imagery of the ancients and learn of their stories: more @hyperVue.
AVAILABLE SOON - michaelm hyperVue Subliminal ImageStory
28" x 35"  P R I N T S
John L = Time: dimension 1   •  Albert E = Energy: dimension 2   •  Bard = Gravity: dimension 3
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Subliminal J Lennon • Subliminal Albert E • Subliminal Bard
AVAILABLE SOON - hyperVue: a 4 Dimensional, 3-D Stereo / Subliminal Oddessy
35" x 23"  P R I N T S
AVAILABLE SOON - John L = Time: dimension 1   •  Albert E = Energy: dimension 2   •  Shakespeare = Gravity: dimension 3
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4D Stereo / Subliminal J Lennon • 4D Stereo / Subliminal Albert E • 4D Stereo / Subliminal Bard
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Subliminal Charcoal moviehyperVue Order your Sacred "Subliminal Vision Quest" in Charcoal Now!
A Subliminal Odyssey in Imagery & Metaphor... Gifts from the Ancients...
Originals from $100. Archival Prints from $30.
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hyperVue Studios
John Lennon Einstein Shakespeare
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