• 4DX-3D hyperVue stereo/motion by m

    Instructions: Level your eyes with the video. Then slowly cross your eyes until the two images become 3. Hold it, and notice the one in the middle. The 3rd image will resolve into a clear 3D image that sets in front or ahead of your monitor. I submit that image is a photonic interference pattern projected from your monitor into a temporal space often refered to as Hyperspace, the Space of Time. michaelmTheory.com • WarpDriveTheory.org • hyperVue.com

    Published on Sep 19, 2013 Dark Matter and it's origins will drop us at the doorstep for the development of the Graviton Electro/Magnetic (GEM) Time/Space Warp Drive engine. The prototype can be developed within 8 to 12 years and its starship counterpart within 30. A question for the origins of Dark Matter: "What is the torque value of 2 photons who meet at right angles (90°)?" And how 2 flat videos, in cross hyperVue, can be seen in 4DX-3D motion stereo?

    That moment in time is crystalized in hyperVue 4D/3D motion/stereo. The right frame trails the left by 3 frames a second. Effectively placing one eye in the past. Consciousness sees that temporal disparity in a quasi-3D stereo. Evidence, we have the ability to navigate through temporal space or Time/Space. The space within time is made up of 3 dimensions, present, past, and future. An idea that inspired the first feasible Warp Drive I call the GEM. A Graviton/electro/magnetic - time/space engine.

    A Time Space 4DX-3D experience, Starfield Fly Through in 3D Cross Eyed - viewer free. Thanks to Paul Pesco for his mesmerizing sound design. Created on a G4 with a final rendering on a G5. The first of many 4DX HyperVue Time/Space Videos leading to the introduction of the first warp drive engine design.

    1. I submit the image you see is not an optical illusion. It is an image which exists in a temporal or hyper space we call Time. The photons, on their journey to your eyes are intersecting in the space between you & the monitor.
    2. I submit one eye views the present & your other views the past. Because one image is delayed in time by 3 frames per seconds. One flat video into a MotionStereo pair Visual proof the image exists in a 4th Spacial Dimension - Temporal Space is made up of 3 dimensions, past, present & future.
    3. I submit: stereo consciousness is able to discern the temporal disparity in 3-D. A temporal version of the anaglyph 3D comic book & viewer. Music: copyright© Paul Pesco learn & see more at: michaelmTheory.com • WarpDriveTheory.org • hyperVue.com