7 days = 1 week...
28 days = 1 month
13 months = 1 year,
364 days...
at years end, honor and celebrate her fefrtility and love with 1 extra day, the 365th. And every 4th year honor her with 2 days.
mark your days of flow,
from light to heavy, to light again be sure to note your feelings in color, your daily musical note of the day.
ebb after ebb, moon after moon... 4 weeks become F-A-C-E on the musical scale... colors turn to musical notes and flow, your rhythm.
Each month is a measure... each year a score. 4 years begins a chorus... 14 years a concerto your unique rhythm is but one in her global symphony.
"On the moons her flow is at rest... she offers her song up to life." michaelm
time is your dance partner
Oh there's more... let's take a closer look at your calendar. Start your first day on Sunday, then every second Friday becomes Friday the 13th... for 13 months. Which is why it's unlucky for the patriarchal. That day reminds you of your rhythmic connection to your ancestors and the root of your power. Fearing the day you collectively remember and regain your past glory.
"5 thousand years of silence... her song prays to be heard again." michaelm
Now tell a friend.