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the fourth dimension is gravity |
Click & See the Subliminal Image/Story on Marilyn![]() ![]() |
chapter 04: Light |
Gravity creates the spheres, the stars, and planets, made easier by Dark Energy which is creating the space between... all at the speed of light. Setting the stage for her next most magical of steps.
Almost anybody who has seen her reflection off the silver screen, or the Photons jumping off the monitor has been captured by her essence. She highlights that humanity in all of us and still touches us, through the excited electrons of the video monitor. Her spirit has literally been one of my guiding lights.
From here on, I will point out only a few images, for I really want your discovery to be free and unencumbered by my interpretations. You will find the palm of my hand within her chin. My thumb and small finger embrace the corners of her mouth. Im holding a sacred fungus, the mushroom, and the shine on her bottom lip betrays the white stem. Her upper lip is the underside, to the bottom of her nose, is the cap. The wine glass stem reaches from there to the top of her nose, and the tall glass cup is illustrated on her forehead. Theres more imagery within the glass, in her eyebrows, as in her eyes, but you must view the originals, or see the limited edition prints to get the full impact. When you hypervue Marilyns portrait try touching her HyperImage. There is a point where you will poke through her face, as you find that delicate point of convergence. I can almost feel her soft face. This can be done with any of my hypervue portraits, for that matter, but with her, it seems so much more tender. In my eyes light is both beautiful and magical. I have been in love with photons since I first learned about them. They can defract and create the most beautiful of 3 and 4 Dimensional patterns. The rainbow is only one phenomena of many photonic events. We are not only reliant on light, we are made of photons. Like pregnacy it brings with it the promise of life. Light is universal semen, whether created within the womb of mother earth i.e. Marianus Trench or at her surface. light is the only thing in the universe that is truely male. Our perception of the universe is intimately tied to the information we receive from them. In so many different colors, on so many levels. Take a flattened map of the earth and divide the land masses equally into four parts. The lines would then travel through Egypt and eventually intersect over the capstone of the great pyramid in Cairo. So when youve read about the four corners of the earth they go way back to the center of the ancient Egyptian Society. Which is probably far older than most people think. The ancient society traded with the central and south Americas and Australian Aboriginals. |
Most of us are brought up from childhood to trust our parents, business, religion and government. Teens generally start questioning their parents when they begin to see the fallacy behind the myths they were brought up to believe in. They find those institutions have actually betrayed their trust. Then, they see the difficulty in correcting the existing problems. Not including future problems caused by our present course. Which diminishes their future choices. Frustration builds to a critical level and they simply rebel because they see hopelessness. Those who blindly follow and dont ask the serious questions at the very least betray their own for the sake Exxons exorbitant profits. We must never stop questioning all authority. An honest question keeps everyone honest. To question your government is to be the patriot and protector of our freedoms, rights and civilization. All money collected by THE IRS (THEIRS) is turned over to The Federal Reserve the for profit corporation, which is then divided up by the board members and CEO. The same group we paid the Reagan/Bush then Bush/Quale $7 trillion debt to under the Clinton administration. And now the Bush/Cheney administration has borrowed $6 billion dollars every day creating huge deficits that now dwarf his fathers deficits exponentially. Accumulated within seven years, it is the largest debt in human history. And who do "We the People" owe that vast amount to? Your friendly neighborhood Federal Reserve. Our government actually runs on other revenue sources such as road taxes. Half of what you currently pay at the gas pump is a tax that goes to city and state, but the lions share of course goes to the feds. Now the U.S. government will not act as a proponent for the people, when the price of fuel rises. Federal profits increase with the increased price of fuel. Government is in full parntership (in bed if you will) with Oil Inc. Bushs family fortune is in oil. Our government is owned by and for the big energy corporations, of which Bush/Dick represent and are heavily invested in. For instance Dick Cheney earns an extra million dollars a year from his pension fund as the former CEO of Haliburton. Isnt that illegal? An illegal invasion and occupation of an oil rich country. Through bad management ingnites a civil war and then profits off the deaths of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Iraq alone? Remember the election of 2000, Al Gore actually won. But the Rehnquist Supreme Court stopped the count of the vote in Florida after the state Supreme Court ordered a multi county reccount. That act was un-American and unconstitutional. It was a Coup detat by the military industrial complex and energy corporations (Oil). Which eventually made sweetheart deals that gave them criminal subsidies and no competitive bid contracts as they rushed to war. Now, what about those hidden taxes, such as shipping and its multiple taxations. How much are you really taxed? Inflation is the great unspoken tax which is easily created by increasing the price of fuel and printing money thats not back up by anything. But lets lets just focus on shipping taxes. Once parts are fabricated they are shipped to manufacturers, then onto packaging houses, then distributors, to the retailer and finally to the consumer. The consumer absorbs the cost of all shipping and road taxes incurred along the journey that got the product into their hands. Then you pay a tax to the city and state as well. At this point were approaching a 76% tax rate. Our forefathers fought a revolution base unchecked taxation. They simply refused to pay Englands unrepresented corrupt tax base. As I write, the U.S. government is a broken machine that works almost exclusively for "the haves and the have more". Compared to European standards, we Americans are paying far more into the system and getting far less in return. Thomas Jefferson wrote "...America should have a revolution every twenty years." We must be ever vigilant in protecting our rights and ferreting out corruption on every level. Corruption has been the downfall of every great society, from Egypt, Greece, Roman, right up to the former Soviet Union. And we, the U.S., arent far behind. Our country can only remain strong if we hold our politicians accountable. And by divorcing money out of the political / electorial system. Like we separate church and state. Today a U.S. Senator must earn at least $10,000. a week in order to fund their re-election. If they dont get it from the people then theyll get it from the the corporations through their friendly neighborhood lobbyist. And of course they are beholding to those same corporations when it comes time to vote on bills. And you can bet your bottom dollar they will roll over in favor of corporate interests 98% of the time. I view the tragedies of Korea, Vietnam and Iraq as a symptom of that same corruption, reaching even into our news media. ![]() The air tank is made up of fiberous materials so if the vehicle is involved in an accident, there are no fires or explosions. The worst you will experience would be a big woosh of escaping air. The van carries 5 adults, with baggage, huh, physical baggage that is. When in motion, the wheels act as compressors. But in the long run its a net loss. The vehicle must be recompressed every 200 miles or so, which takes about 3 minutes at an air station. Find an electrical outlet and it recompresses in 4 hours. Solar panels will take 8 hours. When you come out from work, you are greeted with a fully compressed ride. Add a gas tank and the hybrid will take you from L.A. To New York on only one tank. Theyre used as taxi cabs in Rome, Paris and Mexico city to help keep pollution down. They are tried and true since 1998. Korean auto manufacturers are now gearing up to produce their own version. So why arent we doing the same? Why are car manufacturers ignoring this form of transportation? Believe it or not, the Air Car is illegal in the United States. Reasoning: your not paying the road taxes. What about electric cars? We were able to reason a way to allow them. But what about all those used toxic batteries? You cant just throw them away. The exclusion of this enviromentally sound technology is an inexuseable act to maintain a lucrative income stream we consumers pay at the pump. We continue to combust fossil fuels that pump over 380 million tons of greenhouse gases a day from auto emissions in the U.S. alone. China has just caught up with us. Compounding the problem is the news media. You arent getting this story from any of the news media because they are sponsored by oil, auto, insurance, international food conglomerents and pharmacuetical corporations. "The Air Car is illegal"... says the media... "We cannot and will not promote the breaking of U.S. law." Even when it means the destruction of everything we hold dear. I see them as lemmings, known for following the leader to needless mass migratory drownings. The leader falls into the water, is drowned and many will blindly follow suit. They are loyalists to the King George of our day. Not traders but traitors to their own grand children for mere profit. You will rarely find "Mom and Pop", small businesses, advertising even on local news because of the expense. That policy doesnt promote free speech, it squelches it. By simply out shouting small business and the citizenry at large. A tactic the Nazis (Not See. "To See Nothing", to ignore) effectively used against free speech. Why arent there any on air programs that allow individual citizens a forum to discuss new ideas for the market place or political discussions. They could be sponsored by small business. The oldest sales technique in the proverbial book requires the salesperson to subliminally lower the customers self-esteem by tricking them into believing their life is empty. And then offer them the salvation which comes in the act of buying and owning the product. The consumer is lead to believe life will be far better. Living without the product will somehow condemn you to a lifetime of incompleteness. A subliminal trap... salvation is bought and sold, wholesale and retail. Imagine what happens to you on subliminal levels everyday when you encounter advertising, both static and motion. How advertising effects our children and teens, let alone adults. The corporate model of "Self-Esteem" based on the accumulation of things is unsustainable and cannot work. You are condemned to a lifetime of shopping like a hamster in a wheel looking for salvation with the next purchase (a purse chase). Self-esteem must come from within. Your talents, education, goals, accomplishments and most importantly, loved ones... "la familia". Those you are familiar with as they with you. Loved ones are our salvation. Our nation was made strong by real family ideals. Not to be confused with so called Family Value politicians. They refer to the familiy values of the crime families. Im including the 2000 family names that are found on virtually all the boards of the Fortune 500 coroporations. The companies on Wall Street. Its a matter of public record. You can see for yourself who are collecting dividends off the corporate tit. The same names are found in one corporation after another. Good family ideals are the foundation of civilization and criminal family values are a clear sign of the end. Lets stray from the path of the intended, inevitable chaos and move into the light. |
Click & See - the Subliminal Image / Story on Marilyn Monroe
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Subliminal Self Portrait Trilogy Image Story Poster Prints
![]() ![]() ![]() John L = Time Albert E = Energy The Bard = Gravity |
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